Basics of web development
This course is an introduction to web development and focuses on the basics of building websites, namely HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and fundamentals of backend systems. The goal of the course is to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to design and develop simple full-stack web applications, as well as understand web applications made by others.

In the first part, HTML is studied, which is a markup language used in building websites.
The second part covers the basics of CSS, such as the use of style sheets, rules, selectors, and formatting. It also covers advanced features of CSS, such as animations and responsive design.
In the third part, we will study JavaScript, which is currently an incredibly important tool in both frontend and backend development, and thus also in cybersecurity and ethical hacking.
In the final part, we will learn how to build back-end systems using the Python Flask framework. You will learn the basics of back-end systems, such as using databases, authentication, session management, and access control.
Exercise tasks
You can do the course exercises on your own computer if you want, but each code example has a button that allows you to directly run the code in the browser and see what the page looks like or what the script prints. So you do not need to install anything, but you can if you want.
It is recommended but optional to create an account on service. In that case, you can just click "Fork" on the code examples to make a copy for yourself to play with

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