What was the Caesar cipher?
From the pages of history, there are stories of ciphers that have changed the course of wars and influenced the practice of diplomacy. One of the most well-known and oldest encryption methods is the Caesar cipher, named after Julius Caesar's use of a simple yet revolutionary encryption technique. This encryption method, which seems childishly simple in the light of current knowledge, once protected sensitive messages of the Roman Empire. Quite remarkable, isn't it?
Operation principle of Caesar cipher
Caesar cipher is based on shifting letters by a certain number in the alphabet. For example, by shifting each letter three steps forward, A becomes D, B becomes E, and so on. This method makes it difficult for outsiders to identify the original message without the key - in this case, information on how many steps the letters have been shifted.
Encryption Key
Caesar moved letters in the alphabet by three. Nowadays we can talk about the fact that the encryption technique was called "Caesar cipher" and the encryption key was 3.
The same technique can of course be used with other encryption keys!
Was this really used?
During Caesar's time, this encryption method was revolutionary. The messages sent by generals, diplomats, and Caesar himself often contained sensitive information, the disclosure of which could have led to disaster. Although breaking the Caesar encryption may seem quite simple with today's knowledge and technology, at that time it offered a significant level of security.
Lucky time traveler, you have managed to capture one of Julius Caesar's secret messages! This message contains important information that could turn the tide of war and change the course of history. However, the message is encrypted using the Caesar cipher, and your task is to decrypt this encryption, reveal the content of the message, and uncover the secrets it holds.
Message: kdndwhpld uxohv
TIP: Take a pen and paper and shift the letters 3 backwards. Alternatively, you can use CyberChef's ROT13 module as a key for -3.
What is the content of the message?

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